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Palazzo Pants and Sheer Jacket with Tie scarf
The fabric for this jacket has light accordion pleating and a silver metallic dot. The pattern pieces were laid out so the selvage edge was the bottom all around and the sleeve edge. The front pieces which are cut on an angle were not sewn as they did not fray when cut. This made this jacket a fast project. All inside seams were finished. The scarf was comprised of one tube scarf of the jacket and one tube scarf of the palazzo pants, which also had a dot of silver in a swirl on the fabric. See picture below for a close up. The blouse was a drape neck polyester jersey in black. The palazzo pants had a tie waist and swayed as I walked. The patterns I used are at the bottom of this article, but remember I adjust for the look I want and use the patterns for a type of look more than exact detail, i.e. 3/4 sleeves may become long, long jacket may become 3/4 length, to suit the full look. As you can see in the top outfit picture I put a bracelet above the tie knot of the scarf to pull out the colors in the outfit-in this case black and silver.

Silver sparkles on both
This is the quick easy and what I believe flattering shirt style I use with a lot of sets.
These are the pants... with tie waist
My favorite fast and comfortable jacket... made with chiffon women follow me out of restaurants to find where I shop....