It Started with the Lace Jacket
I love it when customers come into Gstreet and act like my clothes are so wonderful....
I dress for this reaction...
The jacket lace came from the 2.97 room and laying on all the other fabrics did not get taken away....I thought hmmmmm colorful... and looked for other fabrics to go with it... hence, the lime green knit top...and Teal green pants... easy patterns..
The Jacket shortened 6 inches...
Outfit started with the bright pink tank, added tubins out of fuschia and the lace jacket... with the scarves of many shades. Scarf jewelry are elastic bracelets with pink and fuschia beading.
If the fabric you are using is lace and has scallops, use them around as many edges as possible and then the sewing of the jacket is even quicker. In this case I laid it out so scallops were at the end of the sleeves and down the front of the jacket.
These are made extended to low ankle length and straight roomy legs but fitted top like leggins - so comfortable yet professional looking for work.
Scarves sometimes are a combination of all three of these styles
Earrings and necklaces hang on a Plastic Canvas sheet from a bent paper clip(large) off of a magazine box that I put patterns in on an open shelving where I keep my bracelets to choose from.

Yes, I use patterns, and I put them in magazine organizers, and that is where the neckaces and earring plastic canvas sheets hang
Scarves hang from a scarf hanger as I have many, but when they go well with an outfit they stay with that outfit on that hanger. I use velvet covered hangers for my clothes so they don't slip off or cause creases where the hanger goes. Pants tops and jackets all go on the same hanger in sets.