Sewing with Kitty
That's Me! Kitty
Mysterious?... haha
That is my quick sew coat pattern that I did a little flaire to it!
So warm, I am wrapped in a blanket...
Polar fleece Leopard combined with Black minky on one side and when reversed it has Brown Double-sided minky on the other side.... YES REVERSIBLE.
I just did a binding of the minky like doing a quilt binding...
Pattern Information for Coat
I Love to Spread the news that YOU can sew too.
I don't do anything complicated. I don't have a serger or a fancy sewing machine. My machine is over twenty hears old and I have a back up sewing machine that is the same. I sew every day unless I am sick. If I don't sew then when I do I sew twice as much. It makes me feel good.
You can only do so much scrapbooking - LOL
The scrapbook cabinet is in the background...HaThis one ended up with a blanket..LOL
Or you scrapbook a pin... Yep thats me in the middle
Even a tiny pin that is quilted I can put on my lapel or a cross stitch pin. Then I feel confident for the day.
picture from my kayak...see my paddle
Sometimes you see things next to your kayak... YEP that is a giant turtle.
I walked to the end of Cape Hatteras one vacation and saw where the Ocean and the Sound Meet-I felt like I was on the edge of the world
I laid out on the beach as the sun came up and it was spectacular
I don't just sew, but nature inspires me to wear beautiful colors
Write Your Ideas down and....
So Sew along with me-This is a minkie Blanket designed by me...'The Lone Kayaker'

Beach House Fun
Dinner on the Water-Even when You are not out there!!
Kittykittypurrs on Roostery!
Learn to Sew or Buy a Embroidery Machine from G Street Fabrics and Make a Quilt that Folds into a Pillow (Quillow) with your favorite Themes embroidered...